
The Spiritual Watch, Volume I, Issue 2 28 April 2017
Visit of Metropolitan Demetrius to the Cathedral of the Three Hierarchs in Thessaloniki 01 February 2017
Holy Theophany 2017 in Greece 27 January 2017
Metropolitan Demetrius's Nameday 2016 18 November 2016
Clergy Synaxis and Feast of Saint John of San Francisco 2016 17 July 2016
Visit of the Myrrh-streaming Icon of St. Nicholas to St. John of San Francisco Monastery 08 July 2016
Glorification of Saint Chrysostomos the New Confessor 29 May 2016
St Xenia Camp 2016 19 May 2016
Icon of St Nicholas Visits the Monastery of Saint John 19 February 2016
New Website for the Monastery of St John of San Francisco 06 February 2016
Visit of Metropolitan Demetrius to Hermitage of St Clement 2015 12 December 2015
Feast Day of St Demetrius of Thessaloniki at the Cathedral of St Markella in Astoria, NY 19 November 2015
Epistle Regarding the Holy Monastery of St. John Maximovitch in Cobleskill, NY in English, Greek, and Russian 07 November 2015
Announcement of the Decisions of the Holy Synod of Bishops, September 1/14-2/15, 2015 25 September 2015
Saint Xenia Camp 2015 01 September 2015
Pilgrimage to Romania, Bulgaria, and Greece 2015 26 July 2015
Feast of Saint Glicherie of Romania 2015 22 July 2015
Statement on the Shameful Events Which Are Unfolding in Chios 19 May 2015
Joint Deliberation Between the ROCA and the Church of the GOC of Greece 12 May 2015
Enthronement of His Grace, Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland 27 April 2015
His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius Concludes His Trip 25 January 2015
Theophany in Greece 20 January 2015
Update from Greece 18 January 2015
Metropolitan Demetrius Continues His Trip in Greece 11 January 2015
Metropolitan Demetrius Arrives in Greece 10 January 2015
Metropolitan Visits the Hermitage of St. Clement of Ochrid 11 December 2014
Autumn Eparchial Synod Meeting at Holy Ascension Monastery 18 November 2014
Metropolitan Demetrius's Name's Day 04 November 2014
The First Official Celebration of St Ieronymos of Aegina 09 October 2014
Feast of The Holy Transfiguration in Romania 22 August 2014
Pastoral Visit to the Congo 15 August 2014
Visit to Bulgaria 24 July 2014
The Feast of St. Glicherie in Romania 27 June 2014
The Concelebration of Primates 17 June 2014
Concelebration with Metropolitan Agafangel 26 May 2014
Parish Directory Expanded 25 April 2014
The Great Edict of Metropolitan Demetrius of America 24 March 2014
Synodal Concelebration of Unity and Confession 24 March 2014
Inter-Orthodox Deliberation 21 March 2014
Concelebration with Bishop Ambrose of Philippi in the Monastery of the Archangels in Corinth 25 February 2014
Archbishop Kallinikos Heads Delegation to Romania 16 December 2013
Feast Day of St. Demetrius the Myrrh-Streamer 10 November 2013
St. Xenia Camp 2013 24 October 2013
Met. Pavlos' Trip to Greece 2013 19 October 2013
To the Owner of the Domain GOC.org 05 October 2013
Visit to Romania 24 September 2013
Attack Against the Fathers of Esphigmenou 29 July 2013
Holy Ascension 2013 17 June 2013
Arena Book Club Invitation 07 March 2013
Parish Directory Significantly Updated 17 December 2012
Orthodox Awareness

(Ψευδο) Προφητείας Παϊσίου το ανάγνωσμα...

Εις την εφημερίδα «Ελεύθερην Ώραν» της 6-8-2009 (ν.η.) ανγράφεται το ακόλουθον δημοσίευμα υπό τίτλον «Ο Γράψας, ο Παϊσιος και η Προφητεία!»:

«Για τον στρατηγό Δ. Γράψα υπήρχε άλλη Προφητεία. Την φοβήθηκαν.

Από καιρό κυκλοφορεί η προφητεία του γέροντα Παΐσιου… Βέβαια, άλλο προφητεία, άλλο πραγματικότητα… Αλλά, κάπου υπάρχει μία άκρη! Read more...


Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Mission, Tucson, Arizona

Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church is a beautiful mission parish near downtown Tucson, a city in southern Arizona. It was started in 1997 by Father John Bockman, who was a missionary Priest formerly serving missions in Tennessee and Massachusetts since 1990. Father John served the faithful in Tucson and the surrounding area in his home Chapel until his repose in November of 2000. His wife, Presbytera Valerie, continued to make her home Chapel available for the mission, with clergy from Saint Nectarios Orthodox Church in Seattle and His Eminence, Metropolitan Moses of Toronto (then of Portland), visiting to provide the Divine Services.


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Is the GOC Insular?

Q. In considering becoming part of the GOC in America, I am getting warnings from various circles that the attitude of GOC people is that of being “walled off,” “arrogant,” “judgmental,” and “in your face” toward those not in the Genuine Orthodox Church, with accusations such as “World Orthodox” priests are “not even Christians” and the like. Could you give me your personal, realistic assessment of this dynamic and possibly refer me to an official statement on how GOC members should and do relate to and communicate with those in “World Orthodoxy”? Read more...