Encyclical Nov 17/30 2012

CHURCH of the G.O.C. of GREECE

ΚΑΝΙΓΓΟΣ 32 (γ´ ὄροφος)
106 82 ΑΘΗΝΑΙ
TEL. 21038 28 280 - FAX 21038 47 365

Protocol no. γ-1683


To all the fullness of the Church of the G.O.C. of America

Beloved children in the Lord,

On Thursday November 2/15, the Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians met in a regular meeting and discussed, among other things, the reorganization of the Church of the G.O.C. of America in light of the massive entrance of hierarchs, clergy, and established parishes from HOCNA during the previous months. The Holy Synod addressed this issue in previous meetings as did the Holy Eparchial Synod of America in the past three months, so that it could take into consideration all the parameters before coming to a definite decision.

Thereupon, the unanimous decision of the hierarchy is as follows:

a) The Holy Metropolis of Toronto is founded, which encompasses the territory of southern Ontario. The Metropolis is a personal position (προσωποπαγής) and His Eminence Metropolitan Moses of (until now) Portland is elected as Metropolitan of this newly-founded Metropolis.

b) The sovereign Holy Metropolis of Portland is converted into a Diocese with the same name and canonical boundaries (the western United States). The Holy Diocese of Portland is subject to the Metropolis of America. His Grace Bishop Sergios of Loch Lomond is raised to the rank of Diocesan Bishop of Portland.

Straightway, being notified through the present encyclical, the clergy of the Holy Metropolis of Toronto are to commemorate: “For our Archbishop Moses”, and the clergy of the Holy Diocese of Portland are to commemorate: “For our Bishop Sergios.” The enthronements of His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Toronto and His Grace, the Bishop of Portland will take place at a later date, after the appropriate preparations have been made, but the newly elected undertake their responsibilities in their eparchies immediately together with the notification of the present encyclical.

It is already known to the masses that during the meeting of the Synod of the Hierarchy on September 5/18 2012, His Grace Bishop Demetrius was accepted who was elected Bishop of Boston after the founding of a diocese of the same name, which diocese is also subject to the Holy Metropolis of America. The Holy Eparchial Synod of America, during its meeting on September 18th / October 1st 2012 established geographic territory of New England as the canonical boundaries of this diocese. Exceptionally, and only in the parishes which have been now enlisted in the Church of the G.O.C., coming from HOCNA following His Grace Bishop Demetrius, by economy and for the time being the commemoration shall be: “For our Archbishop Pavlos and our Bishop Demetrius” irrespective of where they are geographically.

In this regard, bestowing the prayers and blessings of our Holy Synod upon you all, we pray that the Giver of every good thing always provide you with rich gifts and His grace. May His grace and infinite mercy be with you all.

In the year of salvation MMXII the 17th / 30th of November


The Archbishop

† KALLINIKOS of Athens

The Members

† AKAKIOS of Attica and Diauleia

† MAXIMOS of Thessalonica and Demetrias

† ATHANASIOS of Larisa and Platamon

† JUSTIN of Euripus and Euboea

† PAVLOS of America

† GERONTIOS of Piraeus and Salamis

† CHRYSOSTOMOS of Attica and Boeotia

† MOSES of Portland and the western United States, but now elected Metropolitan of Toronto

† GREGORY of Christianoupolis

† PHOTIOS of Marathon

† THEODOSIOS of Bresthena

† SERGIOS of Loch Lomond, but now elected Bishop of Portland

† DEMETRIUS of Boston

† CHRISTODOULOS of Theoupolis

In the Greek

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In Greek

In English


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