2019 Family and Youth Conference Information and Ticket Link

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius, the 2019 Family and Youth Conference will take place at the Holy Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas of Myra, in Upper Marlboro, Maryland on Saturday and Sunday, October 12th & 13th, 2019, and is open for children ages 7 to Adult.

Friday, October 11 will be an optional day for registrants, for which tickets can be purchased separately. A field trip to the capital, Washington, DC, will be the main event on Friday--RAIN OR SHINE (Please bring raincoats just in case! Friday tickets are LIMITED, and will be reserved on a first-come/ first-serve basis).

The theme of the Family and Youth Conference this year is “ UNITY”—unity in the marriage, unity in the family, unity in the parish, unity in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and unity in the world. Topics will include: What is true unity? What is not true unity? What is the value of fellowship / friendship? How do we nurture it, and what destroys it? The Presbyter of St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church, Fr. George Psaromatis, together with Deacon Fr. John and all the parish, ask for the prayers of the faithful as we plan, that the Lord will bless the effort for a soul-profiting and joyous event for all. http://www.stnicholasmd.com/

(Please click on the green "TICKETS" bar & SCROLL DOWN to view ALL ticket types before you purchase your tickets)

NOTE: Due to venue space limitations, attendance must cap at app. 250 attendees. We will not be able to provide any additional tickets once that number is reached. Please do not delay in securing your tickets.


**Tickets for the Weekend Family & Youth Conference (Saturday & Sunday Oct. 12 & 13) will be $90 per person for the first three (3) members of each immediate family (residing in the same household). For your 4th, 5th, etc. immediate family members, please fill out the separate, FREE ticket forms (PLEASE LIST NAMES & AGES OF ALL ATTENDEES).

**Venue Address for SATURDAY Conference Presentations, beginning at 8:30am: 475 West Central Avenue, Davidsonville, Maryland 21035 (detailed Conference Programme will be emailed to registered attendees shortly)

**Tickets for the optional Friday conference day, which will include a trip to the mall in Washington, DC, are sold separately at $40 per person. PLEASE NOTE: We are not able to put a family cap on these tickets. Every attendee must purchase a ticket. As with the rest of the Conference, Friday activities are open to children ages 7 or older and adults.

**PRIESTS & DEACONS and their immediate families (residing in the same household) receive 50% discount for the Saturday conference tickets. Thank you for your sacrifices in serving the Holy Church.

**As always, there will be a BANQUET after the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 13, for which tickets will be sold separately. Please look for Banquet details and ticket information to be released soon.

For more details, or to purchase tickets, please click on the link: Orthodox Family and Youth Conference

Orthodox Awareness

A Miracle of Saint Spyridon

This miracle of Saint Spyridon took place in Mandra, Greece in 1926.

It was 12/25 December, 1926. The state Church of Greece adopted the Papal calendar and with the help of the Greek government persecuted all those who did not accept the Papal calendar. The faithful Orthodox Christians of Mandra woke up and headed to their Church to celebrate the Feast of Saint Spyridon. When they reached the Church they saw that the door to the Church had been secured with chains and the faithful could not enter. Before leaving the Church to return to their homes they stuck their candles on the door. As soon as the last person placed his candles on the door

the chains broke and fell. The faithful, confirmed in their Faith, entered the Church and celebrated the Feast of Saint Spyridon.

The miracle was reported the next day by the newspaper Skrip.


Saint Matthew the Evangelist, Jonesboro, Arkansas

Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Is the GOC Insular?

Q. In considering becoming part of the GOC in America, I am getting warnings from various circles that the attitude of GOC people is that of being “walled off,” “arrogant,” “judgmental,” and “in your face” toward those not in the Genuine Orthodox Church, with accusations such as “World Orthodox” priests are “not even Christians” and the like. Could you give me your personal, realistic assessment of this dynamic and possibly refer me to an official statement on how GOC members should and do relate to and communicate with those in “World Orthodoxy”? Read more...