The First Official Celebration of St Ieronymos of Aegina

Protocol no. γ - 2016

In Athens Sep. 26/Oct. 9, 2014


To all the clergy and the people of our Church

Beloved Children in the Lord,

Our society today is need of paradigms of virtue to emulate. Our youth especially lack virtuous models. The Saints of our Church constitute par excellence prototypes and exemplars worthy of emulation. The venerable Ieronymos (Jerome) of Aegina is a newly revealed miracle-working Saint (†1966) whom even the innovators of the State Church hold in honor, acknowledging the holiness of his life.

In fact, St. Ieronymos was a bona fide personage of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece until his last breath. In addition to this and other data, his funeral service was performed by the eldest living Hierarch of our Church, Metropolitan Akakios of Attica and Diauleia.

Wherefore, the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy of our Church, during its session on September 5/18, 2014 undertook to confirm the universally professed holiness of our venerable Father Ieronymos of Aegina.

The first official celebration of the Saint will take place on Wednesday evening, October 2/15, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. with Great Vespers in the church of the Holy Unmercenaries in Aegina, and Thursday morning, October 3/16, 2014 at 7:00 a.m. with Matins and the Synodal Divine Liturgy presided over by His Beatitude, Archbishop Kallinikos of Athens and all Greece. Those who are able, are urged to take part.

By the command of the Holy Synod.

The Chief-Secretary

† PHOTIOS of Marathon

Translated from the Greek

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Is the GOC Insular?

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