340 Clapboardtree St
Westwood, MA 02090-2908
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With thanksgiving to our Savior and God and with the blessing of His Eminence, Demetrius, we invite all of you to join us in our official Grand Opening of our Cathedral Parish at its new location here in Westwood.
This joyous celebration is as follows:
Saturday, November 2/15 - Vespers 6:00 PM
Sunday, November 3/16:
7:00 AM - Matins & hierarchical concelebration of the Divine Liturgy
1:00 PM - Festive Banquet at the nearby Four Points by Sheraton in Norwood
Please see the flyer below for more particulars and also for information regarding our commemorative journal. You may print both documents for posting and distribution.
For additional details or questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email, both listed above.
With thanks to you all for your love and support and prayers,
All of your brethren of Saint Mark of Ephesus Orthodox Cathedral
At the beginning of September (n.s.) Bartholomew called together a “Synaxis of the Patriarchates and the Autocephalous Church of Cyprus" at the Phanar in order to coordinate their efforts for the First Ecumenistic Council which they plan to convene shortly. At it, they will most certainly have to deal with a conflict with the Patriarchate of Moscow concerning primacy, but also they will proclaim the heresy of Ecumenism with an alleged synodal decision of Ecumenical (or rather Ecumenistic) force. Read more...
Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...
2023 Youth Conference
Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.
Q. Are the prayers in the blue prayer book [A Prayerbook for Orthodox Christians by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery —ed.] compulsory for everyone? I mean their morning prayers and the service of Small Compline. My confessor gave me a special rule but wasn’t clear about whether this replaced the book prayers or was in addition to them. Read more...