Saint Xenia Camp 2019

With the blessing of His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius, St. Xenia Camp will open for its 23rd season August 18th through 24th, 2019 in Fryeburg, Maine. Through the intercessions of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, and through the efforts of many who have worked tirelessly to bring the camp to where it is today, St. Xenia Camp continues to grow, providing Orthodox youth ages 8-16 a unique opportunity for recreation, fellowship, and spiritual growth.

Quality counselors represent the backbone of the camp. We are recruiting young adults for counselor positions to serve as mentors and role models for our campers. Once accepted, you will be provided valuable online training in preparation for a day of in-person training on the Saturday before camp begins (August 18th). Your participation will create lasting memories for both you and our campers!
The foundation of the camp is the charitable spirit of its committed volunteer support staff. We seek certified adults for lifeguard and nursing staff, and qualified and responsible adults for crews in Arts & Crafts, the Kitchen, and on our Activity Support Staff. Through shared service in Christ comes its own opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth—if you are able, please consider joining us!

Please visit for more information on all of these opportunities- online registration for campers will open soon, and online applications for counselors and support staff are now being accepted. We hope you can join us for this unique and wonderful experience of spiritual invigoration, growth and fun!

If you cannot offer alms in the form of volunteer service, you can still help keep the cost of camp affordable for all. With nearly $22,000 in expenses last year, we hope you will consider financially supporting the mission of the camp in one of the following ways:

● Sponsor a camper—help a parish or family give their youth a unique Orthodox experience, by supporting our camper scholarship fund.

● Set the table—help our kitchen fuel the camp with fasting feasts for all ages. With nearly 200 in camp last year, that’s a lot of mouths to feed!

● Keep us moving—help us save the backs of our volunteers by leaving the heavy-lifting to the camp pick-up truck. We’re looking for help with a rental, loaner, or purchase/donation of an “oldie-but-goodie”.

● Volunteer transit—with many of our volunteers flying into regional airports, we’re looking for help with rental of a passenger van (also driven by volunteers) from Boston to Maine.

● Stock the studio—help our arts and crafts staff inspire the creative gifts of our campers. We bring it all with us, but send it all home!

● Energize through exercise—help our activities coordinators motivate a spirit of teamwork and adventure, from bussing to excursions in the White Mountains region, to equipment for our Activities on the Green.

● Keep us safe and on schedule—help our directors, nurses, and office staff keep the camp well-trained, well-supplied and organized.

● Sponsor a counselor—while many our our youth choose to volunteer as counselors, many are college students in need of assistance with transportation costs, and our modest $100 stipend. Help them serve our youth by supporting our stipend and scholarship fund.
Please contact our camp directors at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance in giving alms to support St. Xenia Camp.

The St. Xenia Camp Directors


Download the 2019 Flyer!

Orthodox Awareness

Hero-Worshipping: the Sickness of our Holy Struggle

“Trust ye not in princes, in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation.”
(Psalm 145:3)

We mustn’t have absolute trust in human beings for our salvation, no matter what dignity they have. Human beings are changeable. Today they are saints, tomorrow—deniers. Today—sinners, tomorrow—righteous. We must have absolute trust in God, and in Him we must base our hopes of salvation. “Blessed is he of whom the God of Jacob is his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God” (Psalm 145:5). Read more...


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2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

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