On Tuesday January 8/21, 2014 the Holy Synod of the Church of the Geniune Orthodox Christians of Greece convened in a regular meeting in the hall of the church “The Unfading Rose” in Piraeus discussed the following items on the agenda:
4. It discussed the procedure for the election of the successor to the retired Metropolitan Pavlos of America, emeritus. The Holy Eparchial Synod of America, according to Constitution of the Church of the G.O.C. in America compiled a list of candidates. The list was submitted to the Holy Synod in Greece, which approved the list as-is.
The election will take place on Wednesday February 6/19, 2014, the memory of St. Photios the Great, Patriarch of Constantinople, in the church of the Theotokos “The Unfading Rose” in Piraeus. The election will be preceded by a Divine Liturgy according to the By-Laws for the Election of Hierarchs.
According to these By-Laws, the Hierarchs in America may take part in the electoral process via absentee ballot sent to the offices of the Holy Synod in advance.
Translated from the Greek__________________________
On Tuesday Sept. 5/18, 2012 the Holy Synod of the Hierarchy of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece convened in its offices in Athens and after the Holy Water Service upon the beginning of the new ecclesiastical year, reached the following decisions:
13. To accept the petition of admittance of Bishop Demetrius Kyriakou, coming from the Holy Orthodox Church of North America, leader of a group of monastics, clergy and about seven parishes in North America. The petitioner appeared before the meeting and he answered various questions put forth by the members of the Synod. After the confirmation of the petitioner's correct faith, he was elected unanimously, suffragan Bishop of Metropolitan Pavlos of America, with the title Bishop of Boston and it was also decided that his canonical restoration take place at the Holy Monastery of the All-Immaculate Virgin (Panachrantou) in Megara, on Friday, September 8/21 of the current year. The further details concerning the incorporation of the Parishes, Clergy and Monastics will be arranged by the Holy Eparchial Synod of America with the participation of His Beatitude, Archbishop Kallinikos during his scheduled visit to New York on Sunday September 17/30 of the current year.
Translated from the Greek____________________________
On Thursday Feb. 10/23, 2012 the Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece convened and and reached the following decisions:
4. It was decided that from now on, the petitions for acceptance of Deacons and Priests from the American continent will be examined by the Holy Eparchial Synod of America, which will also decide concerning their reception.
Translated from the Greek____________________________
On Tuesday May 4/17, 2011 the Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece gathered in a festal meeting at the offices of the Holy Metropolis of Piraeus. In attendance where its new members, Metropolitan Moses of Portland and Bishop Sergios of Loch Lomond. The Holy Synod discussed the following:
1 Certain subjects were regulated such as the manner of commemorations of the new hierarchs which will follow the same manner which the hierarchs in America already follow. The modifications to the Constitution of the Church of the G.O.C. will occur with the participation of the other hierarchs in America. It has been decided that his Grace Bishop Gregory of Christianoupolis will travel to America for the concelebration in New York and the first discussions.
Translated from the Greek__________________________
On Thursday April 29/May 12, 2011 the Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece gathered in an extraordinary meeting at its offices in Athens and … decided to accept the petition for acceptance of the priests, Constantine Parr, Photios Cooper and George Psaromatis canonically managing all of the pertinent details.
The territorial region of the Holy Metropolis of Portland, which covers the western states of America (which are in the Pacific Time zone), may be rearranged by the agreement of Metropolitan Pavlos.
Metropolitan Moses & Bishop Sergios will take part in the Holy Eparchial Synod of America under the presidency of His Eminence Metropolitan Pavlos of America. Simultaneously, the decision was made that all of the hierarchs in America, the Metropolitans as well as the titular Bishops under them, whenever they are in Greece may canonically take part in the meetings of the Holy Synod as complete members analogous with the Bishops from Greece who already have the right to take part in the Holy Eparchial Synod of America of which His Grace Bishop Photios of Marathon continues to be a permanent member who travels to America for its regular meetings.
Translated from the Greek__________________________
On Tuesday April 20/May 3, 2011, the Holy Synod of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece gathered in an extraordinary meeting at its offices in Athens and discussed the following:
5 After much discussion the petition for acceptance into the canonical Church of the G.O.C. of Bishops Moses (Mahany) and Sergios (Black) of the “Holy Orthodox Church in North America” (HOCNA) and those clergy and laity with them was unanimously accepted.
The Holy Synod of the Church of the G.O.C. of Greece, having also the agreement of the hierarchs in America (Metropolitan Pavlos of America and Bishop Christodoulos of Theoupolis) proceeded to found the Holy Metropolis of Portland and the Western United States and elected Metropolitan Moses as Metropolitan of Portland and the Western United States and Bishop Sergios as his assistant bishop with the title of Loch Lomond, presupposing the confirmation of their Orthodox Confession of Faith and the canonical healing of their ordinations. For this reason an extraordinary Synod meeting is to be held on April 29/May 12, 2011 to which Metropolitan Moses and Bishop Sergios were invited.
Translated from the GreekRefutation of an “Encyclical Sermon” by a Hierarch of the New Calendar Orthodox Church of Greece and a Wily Denigrator of Anti-Ecumenists and “Old Calendarists” Who Have Walled Themselves Off From His Church
by His Grace, Bishop Clement of Gardikion, Secretary of the Holy Synod
In Greek
In English
Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...
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Q. Can you tell me what the two-headed snake cane the Greek Bishop is walking with represents? What does it mean?