Announcement of the Decisions of the Holy Synod: Feb 6/19 2014

On Wednesday February 6/19, 2014, the Feast of our Father among the Saints, Photios the Great Archbishop of Constantinople, The Holy Synod of the Hierarchy of the Church of the Genuine Orthodox Christians of Greece convened in a regular session in the Church of “The Unfading Rose” in Piraeus. After the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by His Grace, Bishop Photios of Marathon, who celebrated his Name’s Day, they Holy Synod of the Hierarchy examined the following items on the agenda:

1. The Synod proceeded with the election of a new Metropolitan to succeed Metropolitan Pavlos of America, emeritus who has retired. His Grace, Bishop Demetrius of Boston was elected. A relevant encyclical will follow.

2. The petition of his Grace, Bishop Ambrose of Philippi, and with him of Archimandrite Ignatius Sophianides to accede to the canonical Church of the G.O.C. was accepted. According to the decision of the Holy Synod, His Grace decided to be accepted through canonical order, he will bear the title of the Bishop of Philippi with the borders of his canonical jurisdiction being the municipality of Drama with the seat being the city of Drama.

3. The abolition of the school holiday of December 25th/ January 7th (n.s.) was discussed and the steps taken toward the political leaders which we will take were decided upon.

4. The path of the dialogue with the Orthodox Ecclesiastical Community in Resistance, which is proceeding positively, was discussed.

5. The appeal of a certain Presbyter for a judgment of second instance was accepted. A court date will be set by the responsible attendant of the Synodal Court.

6. Letters of Ecclesiastical Councils towards the Synod were discussed.

Translated from the Greek

Orthodox Awareness

Refutation of an "Encyclical Sermon"

Refutation of an “Encyclical Sermon” by a Hierarch of the New Calendar Orthodox Church of Greece and a Wily Denigrator of Anti-Ecumenists and “Old Calendarists” Who Have Walled Themselves Off From His Church

by His Grace, Bishop Clement of Gardikion, Secretary of the Holy Synod

In Greek

In English


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