On the weekend of September 22-25 (October 5-8 n.s.) the Third Annual Youth Conference was held at the Church of the Holy Dormition in Clearwater, Florida. It was well-attended and provided the youth of the Metropolis the chance to see one another in person and fellowship.
On the weekend of October 13-15 (October 26-28 n.s.) the second preparatory Metropolitan Council Meeting was held at the parish of Sts. Nectarios and George in Detroit, Michigan. The purpose of this meeting was to continue to discuss and finalize the documents that will guide this advisory body in its task of providing the Metropolis with a council consisting of laity and clergy from all parishes, as envisioned in the Constitution ratified in 2004.
A Rejoinder to Fr. Basil Gregoriates and an Apology for Breaking Communion with Ecumenist Bishops
In every age the devil tempts the faithful by various means: persecutions, foreign invasions, the lure of worldly seduction. Among his most effective snares are heresy and schism which, by separating Christians from the Church, lead them away from Christ and into spiritual deception and apostasy. Read more...
Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...
2023 Youth Conference
Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.
Q. In considering becoming part of the GOC in America, I am getting warnings from various circles that the attitude of GOC people is that of being “walled off,” “arrogant,” “judgmental,” and “in your face” toward those not in the Genuine Orthodox Church, with accusations such as “World Orthodox” priests are “not even Christians” and the like. Could you give me your personal, realistic assessment of this dynamic and possibly refer me to an official statement on how GOC members should and do relate to and communicate with those in “World Orthodoxy”? Read more...