An Appeal from the Eparchial Synod for the St. John of Damascus Orthodox Educational Initiative

Beloved Christians,

The Saint John of Damascus Orthodox Educational Initiative serves families in North America, England and Eastern Europe.

This video appeal directed towards the Christians throughout these regions and is over an hour long. The video begins with a very brief introduction by the Headmaster, followed by a sermon by me concerning the challenges that Modernism and Humanism bring to bear against Christians. The sermon features the teachings of Archbishop Andrew of Rockland on the “The Resoration Of The Orthodox Way Of Life.” This is followed by information about the Saint John’s Initiative and the Appeal for the upcoming school year.

Please share the link above with parents who you think will be helped by this information.

Thank you.

In Christ,

+Moses, of Toronto
Hierarchical Overseer of the St John’s Initiative appointed by the Holy Eparchial Synod

Orthodox Awareness

The Reading is from the (False) Prophecy of Paisios

In the August 6, 2009 edition of the newspaper «Ελεύθερη Ώρα» (Free Time), the following article was published with the title “Grapsas, Paisios and the Prophecy!”:

“There was another prophecy for General Grapsas and they feared it.

For some time now the prophecy of Elder Paisios is circulating. Certainly, while the prophecy is one thing, reality is something else, but somewhere there is an extreme. Read more...


Saint Matthew the Evangelist, Jonesboro, Arkansas

Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Morning and Evening Prayers

Q. Are the prayers in the blue prayer book [A Prayerbook for Orthodox Christians by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery —ed.] compulsory for everyone? I mean their morning prayers and the service of Small Compline. My confessor gave me a special rule but wasn’t clear about whether this replaced the book prayers or was in addition to them. Read more...