2021 St. Xenia Camp Update & Volunteer Info


Greetings St. Xenia Camp family,

As previously announced, through the intercessions of St. Xenia, the prayers of so many of you, and with the blessing of Metropolitan Demetrius, St. Xenia Camp 2021 will return to Forest Acres in Fryeburg, Maine August 15-21! Given the continued impact of COVID-19, camp this year may yet be somewhat different from the past Forest Acres experiences. We are sharing this information ahead of registration so that all families can make an informed decision on whether they feel comfortable sending their camper(s) this year.

Camper registration applications and volunteer applications will open on Saturday, April 10th, and will close Thursday, July 1st. Given potential restrictions, we may have to run camp at reduced capacity, so space is limited. All registration applications must be complete (including Health and Waiver of Liability forms for) to be considered, at which point campers will be considered by age group in the order their complete application was received. The camp medical director, Fr. Vassily Mihailoff, MD will be reviewing Health Forms as part of the acceptance process. Starting April 10th, please go to the St. Xenia Camp website to complete all registration application forms, or to fill out a volunteer application.

It is important for all prospective volunteers, and campers and their families to be aware of and understand the following health related items:

  • Social distancing will not be possible at all times during the camp week. Given the nature and mission of St. Xenia Camp, those present will in essence become one large spiritual family. Given current guidelines, the following measures would be taken in order to comply as closely with CDC recommendations as is possible to mitigate risk of transmission within the context of our camp:
    • increased training for counselors
    • increased emphasis on hygiene
    • decreased frequency of large gatherings
    • regular cleaning of facilities
    • limiting activities to open-air environments wherever possible
    • a mandatory health screening upon arrival at camp (checking for temperature and symptoms)
    • periodic temperature checks during the course of the camp week
  • Given access and other challenges regarding COVID-19 testing, we will not be requiring campers or staff to be tested prior to arriving at camp. Instead, we will ask all to pay careful attention to the screening questions on the required Health Form, and to monitor their health leading up to and during camp.
    • All camper registrants must complete a Waiver Form that will provide additional details to this effect.
    • Registrants must agree to notify camp administration (for review by the camp medical director) if they come in contact with anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, or if they experience symptoms of COVID-19 within 10 days of the start of camp.
  • Parents of campers who may have household members that are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 should consider this factor when deciding to send their child to camp.
  • We will not be requiring masks to be worn at camp. Of course, anyone that feels more comfortable doing so will be allowed to do so.

Please be aware that health and operational guidelines may change over the course of the summer- we are monitoring them closely, and will keep all accepted staff, campers, and their families apprised of any changes.

In Christ,

St. Xenia Camp Directors

Orthodox Awareness

(Ψευδο) Προφητείας Παϊσίου το ανάγνωσμα...

Εις την εφημερίδα «Ελεύθερην Ώραν» της 6-8-2009 (ν.η.) ανγράφεται το ακόλουθον δημοσίευμα υπό τίτλον «Ο Γράψας, ο Παϊσιος και η Προφητεία!»:

«Για τον στρατηγό Δ. Γράψα υπήρχε άλλη Προφητεία. Την φοβήθηκαν.

Από καιρό κυκλοφορεί η προφητεία του γέροντα Παΐσιου… Βέβαια, άλλο προφητεία, άλλο πραγματικότητα… Αλλά, κάπου υπάρχει μία άκρη! Read more...


Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Mission, Tucson, Arizona

Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church is a beautiful mission parish near downtown Tucson, a city in southern Arizona. It was started in 1997 by Father John Bockman, who was a missionary Priest formerly serving missions in Tennessee and Massachusetts since 1990. Father John served the faithful in Tucson and the surrounding area in his home Chapel until his repose in November of 2000. His wife, Presbytera Valerie, continued to make her home Chapel available for the mission, with clergy from Saint Nectarios Orthodox Church in Seattle and His Eminence, Metropolitan Moses of Toronto (then of Portland), visiting to provide the Divine Services.


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Why do we Call Angels “Saint”?

Q. I noticed that we call the angels Michael and Gabriel "Saint." I thought the title "Saint" was only given to humans who have proven themselves Godly. Do you mind clarifying this for me? Is there a deeper meaning to "Saint" that I am not aware of?
