The Athos Diet (Book)

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius, we would like to bring your attention to a new book published by a physician of our Metropolis: The Athos Diet.

From the description:

The vast increase of metabolic diseases across the developed world has indicated severe and widespread problems with our levels and efficacy of metabolic hormones, such as insulin, leptin, ghrelin, and cortisol, which in turn affect other hormonally controlled systems in the body. The commonly given advice for taming hormonal mayhem? Lose weight. While calorie restriction and exercise can result in weight loss, the increased hunger and eventual reduction in the body’s energy usage do not often yield lasting results. The three pillars of The Athos Diet are designed to work together to support you in creating a bodily environment of hormonal health:

Intermittent Fasting: Decreasing the number of times we eat daily and shortening the window of our meal times helps the body to repair and restore cells as well as improve insulin sensitivity, ultimately reducing the risk of metabolic diseases and strengthening the immune system.

High Protein (Plant-Preferred): Choosing high protein foods that are plant based helps stabilize our hormone levels and reduce our environmental impact.

Walking: Exercising for 30 minutes every day will increase muscular insulin sensitivity as well as improve mental health and brain function. We recommend starting with walking.

This lifestyle is conducive to the 21st century responsible citizen who is trying to live well for themselves and their global community.

The book is available from (Please note that we do not endorse any secular company; we are merely providing the link for the convenience to our readers):

The Athos Diet

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