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Title Author Created Date
ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΜΟ ΜΗΝΥΜΑ 2024 By The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece 03 May 2024
Paschal Message 2024 By The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece 03 May 2024
Nativity Message for 2023 By The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece 05 January 2024
ΜΗΝΥΜΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ 2023 By The Holy Synod of the Church of Greece 05 January 2024
ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΜΟ ΜΗΝΥΜΑ 2023 By The Holy Synod 15 April 2023
RESURRECTIONAL (PASCHAL) MESSAGE FOR 2023 By The Holy Synod 15 April 2023
Communiqué on the Situation in Ukraine By The Holy Synod 04 April 2023
ΜΗΝΥΜΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ 2022 By The Holy Synod 19 February 2023
Nativity Message 2022 By The Holy Synod 19 February 2023
Encyclical on the Abrogation of “Roe vs. Wade” By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 28 June 2022
Nativity Message 2021 | ΜΗΝΥΜΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥΓΕΝΝΩΝ 2021 By The Holy Synod 06 January 2022
Ἐπὶ τῆς παρόνσης ἐπιδημιολογικῆς κρίσεως (2021) By The Holy Synod 05 October 2021
Synodal Communique Concerning the Present Crisis Occasioned by the Epidemic (2021) By The Holy Synod 05 October 2021
Paschal Encyclical 2021 By The Holy Synod 01 May 2021
NATIVITY MESSAGE for 2020 By The Holy Synod 04 January 2021
SYNODAL ANNOUNCEMENT (The Church, Political Involvement, and the Coronavirus) By The Holy Synod 07 December 2020
Concerning the Present Situation Resulting from the Coronavirus Epidemic and the Measures Being Taken By The Holy Synod 02 October 2020
Letter to Clergy and Faithful - The Special Three-Day Fast By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 22 September 2020
Encylical: On Human Sexuality By The Holy Eparchial Synod 01 September 2020
Letter to the Faithful - St. Xenia Camp 2020 By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 16 July 2020
Paschal Message of 2020 By The Holy Synod 18 April 2020
Communiqué of the Holy Synod Concerning the Present Situation By The Holy Synod 01 April 2020
Относительно коронавируса и поста By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 26 March 2020
Sermón del Metropolitano Demetrio Sobre el Coronavirus durante La Cuaresma By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 26 March 2020
Eparchial Synod Encyclical on Coronavirus By The Holy Eparchial Synod 20 March 2020
Encyclical Concerning the Divine Liturgy and Divine Communion at a Time When the Coronavirus is Spreading By The Holy Synod 17 March 2020
ΕΓΚΥΚΛΙΟΣ Γιὰ τὴν Θ. Λειτουργία καὶ τὴν Θ. Κοινωνία σὲ καιρὸ ἐξαπλώσεως τοῦ κορωνοϊοῦ By The Holy Synod 17 March 2020
Message to the Faithful at Lent 2020 By His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius 01 March 2020
Message to the Clergy at Lent 2020 By His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius 01 March 2020
Synodal Nativity Message for 2019 By The Holy Synod 03 January 2020
Encyclical on Marriage and Divorce By The Holy Synod 02 January 2020
Thank You Letter From Metropolitan Demetrius By Anastasios Hudson 13 November 2019
Paschal Message for 2019 By The Holy Synod 23 April 2019
Lenten Message from Metropolitan Demetrius By His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrius of America 06 April 2019
Nativity Encyclical 2018 By Holy Synod of Greece 02 January 2019
Paschal Encyclical 2018 By Anastasios Hudson 06 April 2018
Nativity Encyclical 2017 By The Holy Synod 29 December 2017
Resurrectional Message 2017 By Holy Synod of the GOC of Greece 14 April 2017
Nativity Encyclical 2016 By Holy Synod of Greece 05 January 2017
Encyclical Concerning the Ecumenist Gathering in Crete By Fr. Andrew Wales 31 August 2016
Paschal Encyclical 2016 By Holy Synod of Greece 28 April 2016
Mid-Lenten Encyclical 2016 By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 03 April 2016
Lenten Encyclical of Metropolitan Demetrius 2016 By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 13 March 2016
Nativity Encyclical 2015 By Holy Synod of Greece 02 January 2016
Resurrectional Message 2015 By Holy Synod of Greece 27 March 2015
Encyclical of Bishop Auxentios on Great Lent 2015 By Bishop Auxentios of Etna and Portland 21 February 2015
Nativity Encyclical 2014 of His Eminence, Metropolitan Demetrius of America By Metropolitan Demetrius of America 06 January 2015
Nativity Encyclical 2014 By Holy Synod of Greece 30 December 2014
Encyclical to All of the Sacred Clergy and Laity of the Holy Metropolis of Etna and the Holy Diocese of Portland By Holy Synod of Greece 30 December 2014
Paschal Encyclical 2014 By Holy Synod of Greece 09 April 2014
Encyclical March 10/23 2014 By Holy Synod of Greece 24 March 2014
Encyclical March 7/20 2014 By Bishop Photios 20 March 2014
Encyclical March 7/20 2014 (Greek) By Bishop Photios 20 March 2014
Great Lent Encyclical 2014 By Metropolitan Demetrius 01 March 2014
Encyclical Feb 6/19 2014 By Holy Synod of Greece 24 February 2014
A Festal Message: A Word About Temptations By Bishop Sergios 19 January 2014
Nativity Encyclical 2013 By Bishop Sergios 09 January 2014
Nativity Encyclical 2013 (Greek) By Holy Synod of Greece 31 December 2013
Nativity Encyclical 2013 By Holy Synod of Greece 31 December 2013
Encyclical Nov 23/Dec 6 2013 By Metropolitan Pavlos 06 December 2013
Encyclical Nov 23/Dec 6 2013 (Greek) By Metropolitan Pavlos 06 December 2013
Encyclical Nov 23/Dec 6 2013 By Holy Synod of Greece 06 December 2013
Parenetic Encyclical for the Support of our Brethren in Greece By Metropolitan Pavlos 04 December 2013
Parenetic Encyclical for the Support of our Brethren in Greece (Greek) By Metropolitan Pavlos 04 December 2013
Nativity Fast Encyclical 2013 By Bishop Sergios 06 December 2013
Ἐγκύκλιος ἐπὶ τῇ ἐνάρξει τῆς νηστείας τῶν Χριστουγέννων 2013 By τοῦ Βοστώνης Δημητρίου 02 December 2013
Nativity Fast Encyclical 2013 By Bishop Demetrius 28 November 2013
Ἐγκύκλιος πρὸς τὴν Ἱ. Σύναξιν 2013 By Μακ. Ἀρχ/ου Ἀθηνῶν κ. Καλλινίκου 02 July 2013
Ἀναστάσιμον Μήνυμα 2013 By τοῦ Ἀμερικῆς Παύλου 29 April 2013
Ἀναστάσιμον Μήνυμα 2013 By τοῦ Βοστώνης Δημητρίου 29 April 2013
Paschal Encyclical 2013 By Metropolitan Moses 09 May 2013
Paschal Encyclical 2013 By Bishop Sergios 07 May 2013
Paschal Encyclical 2013 By Metropolitan Pavlos 03 May 2013
Pascual Encíclica 2013 By Obispo Demetrio 29 April 2013
Paschal Encyclical 2013 By Bishop Demetrius 02 May 2013
Paschal Encyclical 2013 By Holy Synod of Greece 30 April 2013
Encyclical April 6/19 2013 By Eparchial Synod 20 April 2013
Encíclica Cuaresma 2013 By Obispo Demetrio 03 April 2013
Ἐγκύκλιος ἐπὶ τῇ Μεγάλῃ Τεσσαρακοστῇ 2013 By τοῦ Βοστώνης Δημητρίου 28 March 2013
Encyclical for the Great Fast 2013 By Bishop Demetrius 26 March 2013
Encyclical Oct 31/Nov 13 2012 By Eparchial Synod 23 January 2013
Nativity Encyclical 2012 By Metropolitan Moses 07 January 2013
Nativity Encyclical 2012 By Bishop Sergios 05 January 2013
Mensaje de Natividad 2012 By El Santo Sínodo 03 January 2013
Nativity Encyclical 2012 By Holy Synod of Greece 01 January 2013
Encyclical Nov 17/30 2012 By Holy Synod of Greece 05 December 2012
Youth and Family Conference Encyclical 2012 By Eparchial Synod 22 March 2012
Ἐγκύκλιος Χριστούγεννων 2011 By τοῦ Ἀμερικῆς Παύλου 09 January 2012
Nativity Encyclical 2011 By Metropolitan Pavlos 09 January 2012
Nativity Encyclical 2011 By Holy Synod of Greece 29 December 2011
Theological Institute Encyclical By Bishop Photios 26 September 2011
Theological Institute Encyclical By Eparchial Synod 21 September 2011
Paschal Encyclical 2011 (Greek) By Holy Synod of Greece 25 April 2011
Paschal Encyclical 2011 By Metropolitan Pavlos 25 April 2011
Paschal Encyclical 2011 By Holy Synod of Greece 18 April 2011
Nativity Encyclical 2010 (Greek) By Holy Synod of Greece 03 January 2011
Nativity Encyclical 2009 By Metropolitan Pavlos 06 January 2010
Ἐγκύκλιος Χριστούγεννων 2009 By τοῦ Ἀμερικῆς Παύλου 06 January 2010
Encyclical Dec 5/18 2002 (Greek) By Metropolitan Pavlos of America 06 November 2008
Encyclical December 5/18 2002 By Metropolitan Pavlos of America 06 November 2008
Encyclical July 31/August 13 2008 By Metropolitan Pavlos 13 August 2008
Nativity Encyclical 2006 By Archbishop Chrysostomos II 26 January 2007
New Years Encyclical 2007 By Archbishop Chrysostomos II 26 January 2007
Encyclical Oct. 30 2003 By Metropolitan Pavlos 30 October 2006
Encyclical June 17/30 2005 By Metropolitan Pavlos 30 June 2005
Orthodox Awareness

Refutation of an "Encyclical Sermon"

Refutation of an “Encyclical Sermon” by a Hierarch of the New Calendar Orthodox Church of Greece and a Wily Denigrator of Anti-Ecumenists and “Old Calendarists” Who Have Walled Themselves Off From His Church

by His Grace, Bishop Clement of Gardikion, Secretary of the Holy Synod

In Greek

In English


Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Mission, Tucson, Arizona

Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church is a beautiful mission parish near downtown Tucson, a city in southern Arizona. It was started in 1997 by Father John Bockman, who was a missionary Priest formerly serving missions in Tennessee and Massachusetts since 1990. Father John served the faithful in Tucson and the surrounding area in his home Chapel until his repose in November of 2000. His wife, Presbytera Valerie, continued to make her home Chapel available for the mission, with clergy from Saint Nectarios Orthodox Church in Seattle and His Eminence, Metropolitan Moses of Toronto (then of Portland), visiting to provide the Divine Services.


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Civil Annulment's Effect on Church Marriage?

Q. This concerns a U.S. marriage. If the marriage is civilly annulled, what is the effect upon the Church marriage? Is it also annulled? Read more...